We’ve Moved!

Here’s our new contact information:


Alaska Medical Missions

6200 Lake Otis Pkwy Ste 114

Anchorage, AK 99507

**our entrance is on the back (West) side of the building, NOT through the main entrance on the East side of the building.


Alaska Medical Missions

2121 Abbott Rd Ste 202

Anchorage, AK 99507




Warehouse Manager:

Jerimiah Grantham


Executive Director:

David Rurik


Update from the director

Nov 11, 2023

JANUARY 10, 2024 UPDATE: AMM plans to resume limited operations on January 15th as we continue to settle into our new space. Please keep in mind our updated contact and location information:

Physical Address (NO MAIL): 6200 Lake Otis Pkwy, Anchorage, AK 99507

Mailing Address: Alaska Medical Missions, 2121 Abbott Rd Suite 202, Anchorage 99507

Emails: David, Director david@alaskamedicalmissions.org; Jerimiah, Warehouse Manager jerimiah@alaskamedicalmissions.org; General AMM, info@alaskamedicalmissions.org

Thank you for your patience as we complete our move!


To our many partners in the Alaskan community and beyond,

Alaska Medical Missions recovers surplus medical supplies and equipment from the Alaskan healthcare system and sends them to international partners who are providing care with more limited resources. AMM reduces waste and provides care in the global community. 


God continues to guide this work that for nearly 20 years has been based out of a warehouse space at 1805 Academy Drive. When new owners purchased this building, the AMM team knew there was a limited time before the organization would need to find new warehouse space.

AMM’s board of directors and staff are in the process of identifying a pathway to arrive at a home facility which will serve AMM’s future needs. As recently as October 2023 we were operating on a tentative 2 year timeline to complete this project and move into a new facility.

You can imagine the surprise when the building owner chose not to renew AMM’s lease, giving just two months notice to vacate the building (by December 31, 2023). God has continued to guide in this process and AMM anticipates moving into a new home in the middle of December.


AMM will suspend both receiving and distribution of medical supplies and equipment from December 1, 2023 through January 15, 2024. We appreciate your patience and understanding while our small team completes this move.


1) If you are local - consider volunteering. Visit www.alaskamedicalmissions.org/volunteer

2) If you are able - consider starting a monthly gift to support AMM in the next season. Visit www.alaskamedicalmissions.org/give

3) If you are a person of faith - consider praying for this and future AMM transitions, that it may be completed in a manner that is God honoring and serves our partners well.

More detailed information on our new location forthcoming.

To all of our partners near and far, thank you for providing care, reducing waste and being involved in the AMM mission. Alaska Medical Missions is truly a community effort both in the local Alaska community as we recover surplus from our medical facilities and in the global community as we send supplies in support of efforts to provide better healthcare. 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. AMM looks forward to continuing to work with both local and international partners to provide better healthcare around the world.

Kind regards,

David Rurik


907-522-7202 (o)